Friday, January 28, 2011

Come back, Teddy Roosevelt

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, you will go far."

How many times have we heard these words?  Surely a wise and prudent approach to dealing with the world-at-large.  Since the death of John Kennedy, however, the men of the Oval Office have abandoned any semblance of balance, and instead have skewed far too left or far too right in all their dealings.

Walk softly - do not be overly boastful, demanding, abrasive, instrusive, nor militant.  In other words, embrace a proper amount of personal humility.

Carry a big stick - do not employ isolationist, cowardly, appathetic, nor slovenly practices in your relations with others.  Demonstrate the ability and be prepared to defend yourself and your "best interests" with zeal.

You will go far - People the world over best respect and understand that which they can relate to the easiest.  Good and trustworthy citizens are not looking for a  fight, but they don't falter when the fight comes to their door.

We need a president willing to:    (a) Live out this motto on a personal level in word and deed,   (b) Apply this standard to the national discourse, and   (c) Evaluate, address and engage our international friends and foes alike by their willingness to demonstrate this behavior.

If Teddy were alive and campainging today, I think he would have a lot in common with Mike Huckabee.  More on this in the coming days.

~ rg

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