Friday, May 13, 2011

Wisdom for the Ages to Come

A wise man once said:
“Elections are decided not by those who embrace extreme positions but by those who view things from a vertical perspective. This view looks at whether we are getting better or we are getting worse. Are things improving or are they declining? Is my kid who just graduated from college going to be able to find a job to help pay off their college loans? The solutions that we have to develop in this country need to be pointing people toward how we are improving the future for the next generation rather than how we are going to beat those guys on the other side.”

And on our current president - he said:  “we don’t hear a president, we hear a candidate.”

On Immigration Reform: “Moot process until we secure the border. All the discussion of how we are going to reform immigration starts with that first and foremost thing. I don’t think there is a real appetite in America for all the intricate policy discussion of how you deal with it until you deal with the glaring issue of do you have control of your own borders. That has to be first and foremost.”

This makes me smile, and I see you liberal sister is also probably smiling as she reads most of this.  There is nothing like a dose of good ol' common sense, delivered without hyperbole nor foaming mouth.

Who is this guy stating observations instead of opinions and personal desires?
Mike Huckabee.

Here is the link to all of this - in context.

Now, rumor has it that Huckabee will announce tomorrow night that he will NOT be a presidential candidate in 2012.  
I can't blame him personally.  Washington has become so polarized that nothing of substance is accomplished.  But, Mike, please get in this race for our sakes.  Give the common, everyday American citizen a voice on the global stage.  We're sick of Pelosi and Reid.  We can't  give people like Eric Holder and Ben Bernanke four more years to drag us down the worst of possible paths.,  Nor do we need Gingrich, Palin and Romney presuming to speak to us or for us.  We need someone who speaks WITH us.  We need Huck. 

I hope and pray that Mike enters this race.  He could have beaten Obama in 2008 had the ultra right not trotted out Fred Thompson at the eleventh hour, just to muddy the water.  Well, the far right got what they wanted, a candidate who did not stand a chance of winning against Obama.  Now, they hope that we will swing so far to the right in disgust over the current policies and approach that we will give them any neo-fascist that they serve up.  Not so fast, boys.  Common sense and common decency still have a place in America.  We CAN get control of our borders.  We CAN get control of our federal spending.  We CAN get control of our currency.  We have to, the only alternative is surrender and capitulation to those who hate all that we are and have accomplished as one nation under God.

So, as you value your children's future, if Mike gets in the race; send him money, give him your vote, give yourself a voice in the way we do business as Americans.  Time to decide people....what's it gonna Huckabee?  ;-)